GPPA Members

Broad Members 2022-Present

At the AGM held on the 22nd November 2022 GPPA new Elected

Shakey Cornwall

Executive Director
Grenada Planned parenthood association

Dr Tonia Frame

Grenada planned parenthood association

Tonia frame is a public health and development professional, with expertise in SRHR, health education, GBC, and projects. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Leeds in reproductive health. She is a public health consultant and global. Public health educator. She believes in a world where every person controls their sexuality and reproduction without discrimination and looks forward to working with all stakeholders to strengthen the Grenada planned parenthood Association (GPPA) to meet the SRH need for all Grenadians.

Tonia is a former program manager for health at the European Union delegation to the eastern Caribbean countries, OECS and Caricom/variform, and former president of the Grenada public health association. currently, she is a member of the Grenada chronic non-communicable disease commission, and an advisor to the board of Grenchap.

Dr.Frame has a keen interest in the SRHR of adolescents and youth, the elimination of VAWG, engaging men and boys in family planning, and integrating SRG into primary health care.

Dr. Ziza Phillip

Vice President
Grenada Planned parenthood association

Dr. Ziza Phillip, Born and raised in St. Marks, Grenada to Elbert and Roselyn Phillip. After high school I moved to China to pursue my undergraduate degree and graduated from Peking University Health Science Center with my medical degree. Upon returning to Grenada, I worked at the General Hospital for three years as a house office, mainly in the pediatric department before moving to St. George’s University. At SGU, I work as a lecturer in the department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pharmacology. I have also completed my masters degree in Public Health, specializing in Epidemiology. I consider myself a progressive and advocate for social reform especially in relation to women and girls health.

Other Members

Other Members of the Board
  • Dr. Michon Sukhoo-Pertab – Secretary
  • Mr. Che Cummings -Treasurer
  • Ms. Sheriece Noel – Assistant Treasurer/Secretary
  • Ms. Kerlin Charles- Marginalized Population Rep.
  • Mr. Rahim Smith – Youth rep.
  • Ms. Chrystal Williams – Youth rep.
  • Mrs. Anoris Martin-Charles – Trustee
  • Dr. Damian Greaves – Member

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